Saturday, March 19, 2011

Where ever there is an ending there is also a new start

Friday. Most students are always looking forward to Friday because it means the beginning of the weekend, but this week I would say most (if not everyone) wished Friday had not quite yet arrived, because it was our last day in New York--we had to leave our Hostel at 4:30 am the following morning.

Ever since the group got to the MSP airport Monday morning there has been so much positive energy that seemed to carry through the week. That energy got us through long days and short nights. And even though everyone was exhausted by Friday night we didn't want to leave each. We weren't quite ready to go back to school yet either.

Anyways, so Friday began like most of the other days with service projects. I could talk more about them, but I think other posts have covered them pretty well. My group finished early so we went to Little Italy for lunch where we are able to sit and have a relaxing lunch (the first time for me on the trip, as we were usually hurrying to our next destination). We went to a Restaurant called La Buena Notte (I think), and the food was amazing. We also had some great entertainment there because of the man who would stand outside and try to draw people in to the restaurant. He definitely caught us and drew us in, partly because he started singing for us in Italian:) All in all it was a delicious lunch (for me anyways...I know there was a little mix up in ordering...but the endless bread was delicious and everyone for sure enjoyed that).

Friday night we all went to a Masjid in Harlem for Maghrib (evening) prayers. All the girls put in Hijabs, and a few fashioned sweaters into Hijabs as well--everyone totally rocked those Hijabs/Sweater hijabs by the way! After prayers we went to a restaurant that I believe the Sheikh of the Masjid owns, and they serve Senegalese food. It was my first time eating Senegalese food, and I was definitely not disappointed. The people at the Masjid and restaurant were very welcoming, and it seemed like everyone had a great time for our last night in NY.

Our NY trip may be over, but our work together is just beginning. This trip has been an amazing and eye opening experience. Not only has it made we want to learn more about my own religion, but also to be a better person, and really respect others for who they are. I feel blessed to have been able to be a part of this trip and make so many new and amazing friends. I am definitely looking forward to seeing everyone again, and continuing to learn from each other.

I could say more, but because I am quite tired after a super exciting and packed week in NYC my brain isn't entirely functioning. So one that note, I would like to say Thank You to EVERYONE who came on this trip, you guys are absolutely amazing, and I mean that from deep in my heart. I think it's already time for a reunion!

Peace and Love, and may Allah (God) bless everyone!

Oh--and rock your way through the end of the semester, you can do it!

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